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MikroVPS | KVM based SSD VPS solutions

Who can benefit from it?

  • Those who want a premium solution
  • For those who consider it important that their services are available any and all times and don't want unexpected mistakes to cause downtime
  • For those who look for a powerful virtualized system for their company
  • Who wants their data secure from data loss and unauthorized breaches
  • Who would like to work with a flexible, versatile system which can meet a variety of challenges

Server Hardware

  • HP Blade Server
  • Dual Xeon E5 CPU
  • REG ECC server RAM
  • 10 Gbit SAN network
  • Enterprise SSD

KVM Logo A Cloud KVM VPS csomagok azok számára jelentenek ideális választást, akiknek fontos, hogy üzleti folyamataikban minél kevesebb fennakadás történjen. Ezt biztosítja a szokásos VPS-ekhez képest magasabb, 99,95%-os rendelkezésre állás. A magyarországi szervereken található SSD tárhelyek mellé Ön beállíthatja, hogy mekkora sávszélességre van szüksége, így a nagyobb adatforgalmat generáló oldalak vagy alkalmazások sem jelentenek problémát. Amennyiben pedig az Ön céljaira nem felel meg a választható CentOS, Debian vagy Ubuntu Linux, illetve a Windows Server operációs rendszer, saját maga gondoskodhat a megfelelő változatról.

Excellent quality

Quality was the single most important aspect when designing our service: we create reliable systems with very high availability factor that our clients can trust with their services.

Permanent expert-level customer support

If you need any help or have any questions our experienced professionals are always ready to help you with them - it is after all very important for us that the services always work perfectly.

Client Area

Complete reliability is provided by the redundantly built architecture. There can be no shortage of capacity even in the case of unexpected hardware errors, no failures will cause any disruption in the service.

KVM based solution

By creating a hypervisor from the Linux kernel, KVM makes it possible to run virtual systems in the same hardware environment. As there is no need for kernel support in KVM, Windows systems can also be virtualized without problem.

Dedicated resources

Dedicated resources of the virtualized servers ensure that not even unexpected errors, greater workloads will disrupt the stability of our system, thus services can run uninterrupted.

Operating systems

In the fully virtualized environment most of the operating systems that work on a traditional PC can be set up without a problem, including Linux, Windows, BSD systems and others.

  • Simple Customer Information
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